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Mday is a fresh start.


In the wellness space there are a lot of tools and techniques that are common knowledge, but not common practice.

We want to help you apply these simple techniques in your daily life - making them a natural parts of your habits by putting them into your mind at various moments throughout the day.


As Scandinavians we believe in the Scandinavian approach on how to accelerate your life.

By prioritizing balance, moderation and connection we believe it will make you live a happier and more fulfilling life.


Mday is the Monday you are looking forward to. The Monday you are feeling really energized and ready. 

The M stands for what you need that day.




Motivation. Mindset. Move. Meditation.




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This is us. Two personal growth junkies.

One based in Oslo, one in New York.

We are on our own growth journeys, with individual goals, struggles and opportunities. But we have this one common goal, to inspire, reflect and grow together with you through Mday. We want to give you nuggets of inspiration, motivation, reflection and growth in your daily life.


Mikaela & Marie

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